
Showing posts from 2020


I've done a lot of reviews for alternative health products for the past few years, and it was only recently that I came across a product called Pure Reiki Healing. Now, admittedly, I had no clue as to what Reiki was, so I set aside some time to look into the subject. What I discovered was that Reiki is an ancient art of healing, originating from a Japanese Buddhist monk named Mikao Usui. He had been attending a 21-day retreat at the Buddhist Center at the foot of Mount Kurama, when he was "gifted" a revelation during the early hours of his last day on the mountain. Mikao Usui was excited about this new healing insight he received, and began practicing and fine-tuning it when he returned to Tokyo. The rest, as they say, is history, as more and more people began practicing the art. Owen Coleman’s Pure Reiki Healing is the digital reincarnation of the Reiki healing process, but it is by no means less effective than the original teachings. Pure Reiki Healing is made up of ...


"REIKI IS THE ENERGY, THAT FLOWS THROUGH ALL LIVING THINGS"   A few months back, a friend introduced something to me, claiming that "it's one of the best products I've ever seen, man! You gotta try it!" Apparently not only was it affordable, it could cure me of practically any disease known to man. Yeah. Right. You'll have to excuse my flippant tone because... seriously? If that isn't too good to be true, I don't know what is. Let's face it: When someone comes along raving about a product that claims to be able to cure "any disease known to man," you think "bull$%!t." That was my exact reaction the first time my friend raved about Pure Reiki Healing. And for good reason, too. You see, I've suffered from rashes and eczema since I was a kid, and trust me when I tell ya, it ain't fun. I need to get regular jabs to alleviate the symptoms of my very annoying condition, so not only is it not fun, it's expensive too. ...


The mankind has been born for abundance, abundance in every aspect of life. But unfortunately most of us are not living the life we are expected to live. We live in mediocrity, an average life. And we admit it as our fortune and continue living it till our last breath and irony is we teach the next generation also the same to be in average category. The fact is we cannot change anybody’s perception towards life. The only person who can really do it is the person itself. And if the person is ready for a change, everything is possible and anything is possible. So, let’s start and know what are the reasons that we are not living the life we wanted and what are the reasons behind it and how can one live a life he/she wanted to live. Well, here’s a thing, we can achieve a certain goal only when we believe we can achieve it . This is true to its core. The truth is, the life we are living right now is our own creation. Believe it or not. It is the universal truth and also a principal....

3 Steps: Achieve what you want

"Whatever your mind can think and conceive, it can achieve"  said by  Napoleon Hill This famous quote explains it all. It is an ultimate truth for those who believe it. Believing is the key. If you believe, it can happen and if you don’t believe, it won’t happen. There are a lot of books written on the topic and each book says it in a different way but the principle is the same no matter what. This is the secret of all times. All the great inventors and the discoverers of the past and present follow this principle blindly because they have known its potential and a great power which resides in this simple law.  Human beings are the ultimate creatures on earth who are capable of anything and everything. They are the one who are gifted with an ultimate power to think, make a choice for them, to evolve and to create. Human beings don’t posses any physical super powers like paws, jaws, running skills, hunting skills, climbing skills or flying skills but st...

4 steps: How to stop being an emotional fool?

This topic might sound funny in the beginning but as soon as we understand this, it will bring us tremendous results and will save us and our precious time. First of all we should understand what actually is being emotional fool. Well, there were times when we all have gone through this phase when we are very excited and take decisions and commit something which we don’t keep up to later and fail to do it. This act is actually called as being emotional fool. It is the phase when we are either exited or very sad or depressed and we are not able to handle our emotions. So, the decisions taken at that point of time are emotional decisions and not the rational ones. Now let us understand with some examples. Suppose we have been to a motivational seminar in which the speaker has spoken about a business model and shown the success possibilities of the same. The speaker has quoted that just as an example but we get very excited by the words of the speaker and we are totally i...

6 Inspiring activities to do during lock-down.!

Today, not only India but the entire world is fighting against the novel Corona virus and at this time it is very crucial for us to follow the instructions of the government and stay safe. It is for us these restrictions are being made. Hoping that soon the world recovers from the trauma caused by the present situation. Like there is a day after night, or light after darkness, good times after bad times, similarly the corona time will pass away. Just do your karmas and leave the rest to the the "Vidhata" or the"supreme being"or the"Universe","Creator"of the Universe rather. During the Stay at home, we may incorporate the following things which may be useful for utilizing the time efficiently. 1. Prayer: Prayer is one of the most simple and easy way to connect to our inner self and to the source(God, supreme being, paramatma). The prayers produce positive vibrations which are transmitted into the universe and the vibrations with similar...

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3 Steps: Achieve what you want