3 Steps: Achieve what you want

"Whatever your mind can think and conceive, it can achieve" said by Napoleon Hill

This famous quote explains it all. It is an ultimate truth for those who believe it. Believing is the key. If you believe, it can happen and if you don’t believe, it won’t happen.

There are a lot of books written on the topic and each book says it in a different way but the principle is the same no matter what. This is the secret of all times. All the great inventors and the discoverers of the past and present follow this principle blindly because they have known its potential and a great power which resides in this simple law. 

Human beings are the ultimate creatures on earth who are capable of anything and everything. They are the one who are gifted with an ultimate power to think, make a choice for them, to evolve and to create. Human beings don’t posses any physical super powers like paws, jaws, running skills, hunting skills, climbing skills or flying skills but still they are capable of doing these with the help of their superior gadget or weapon called as “The Mind”. This mind is capable of everything which it can think and believe. Many people won’t believe it in the first place but once they know its manifestations they start trusting it and make it to use for good. 

Through lot of observations it has been inferred that there are 3 kinds of people in this world. First, those who are go getter. Who are open minded and open for anything which gives them positive growth. The second, where people doubt the principles in the initial phase but with time they realize and start believing those principles and take its advantage. The third category of people are those who just wonder what just happened. What type of category are you in? A big Question !

Today we will learn few steps to apply this principle in our life and use it for good of own, others and this whole universe.
This life is like a river which keeps moving with hurdles and the perks of course. We all should understand that the success is a journey and not a destination and this journey is life. And it is in our own hand whether make it wonderful or make it a suffering. So lets make it a wonderful journey.
History has it all. Whatever we see around ourselves had started with just a thought. Each thought has a frequency, it is energy. Thought takes the form of belief and due to this belief our mind starts its journey in the direction to achieve it. If the belief is strong enough, the thought manifest. This is the law. And we will learn to apply this law in our life.
There are 3 basic steps

Step 1: step 1 is to decide what we want. It can be anything, a solution for a problem, a physical thing or a mental emotion.  It is important that it should be acceptable by us. It should not be a fantasy. Even it is one. It should not give you a feeling of something impossible.

Step 2: Believe: once we have decided what we want, the second thing is very important to believe that we have achieved whatever we have thought. This is the most important step and a connection between the first and the third step. We should not think in a way that we shall achieve it someday but we have to believe it fully that it has already been manifested and we are living with it. We recommend you to feel the love with it. Love is the greatest emotion of all in this universe. Feel the happiness linked to it, feel the way you will feel after you achieve it. Remain in this phase for sometime every day. Visualize that you are in possession of what you have thought. These practices will help us to strengthen our belief. Once the belief is strong, manifestation is not far.

Step 3: Receive: this is the step where our thoughts become things. This is the step of manifestation. Many people fail to reach this step as it may take time depending upon the strength of belief. Thus, we should not doubt and keep believing. This step can manifests in different ways like, sometimes we may not get the physical thing we thought of but we may get an idea which may lead us to our desired thing. So have patience and think once again and achieve.

These are the steps which are there since the beginning. Every great leader of the past, every great scientist has followed this principle knowingly or unknowingly. Now it is time for us to follow and achieve what we have to achieve.
Let us make it happen and write our own life story the way we like it. It is only possible when you believe it. “What you believe is what you achieve”.

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